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"One of the most empowered, well executed and entertaining cabaret acts I've ever seen." (5 stars) Broadway Baby "

This American dame with international flair hosts shows, events, and parties all over the world, turning any function into a fabulous affair. Off-the-wall and off-the-cuff, Ms. G can read a crowd and guide them graciously through an interactive theatrical, cabaret, variety, burlesque or otherwise extraordinary experience. Usually includes musical and physical comedy, and bespoke material devised for the event. While English is easiest, she's not afraid to use French, German, Dutch, Spanish or Italian, when necessary.

MC / Host

As seen on tv, variety shows, and circuses worldwide: in which Amy G appears on rollerskates as the original slapstick sweetheart. From surprising comic choas emerges an act unlike anything you've seen: includes fantastic dance skating, slapstick stunts, interaction with the audience, ragtime ukulele, questionable beat box, surreal scat, a roller tap dance, and as many drinks from the audience as possible.  Adorable, astounding and hysterical. (7 min)



Now among the 30 Most Watched Videos on YouTube!  In which Amy G presents as a perfectly normal, conservative lady. Ironic political stand-up leads to the delicate preparation for and musical performance of "America the Beautiful," "Happy Birthday," or another number (given enough time to learn it) played in three part harmony on kazoos from three different orifices. Witty, subversive and incredible. (5 min)

In which she enters as a Flamenco dancer on rollerskates, tells the story of the angry woman she saw dance in Spain, and the man who betrayed her, El Guapo.  She then draws out of the public an unsuspecting member to play El Guapo.  Once fully in character, he joins her in a big Tango finale and their very own Kiss of Fire.  Passionate, impressive and hilarious. (9 min)

The Flamenca

and lots more...

Amy G Comic MC Host Gold sequins and rhinestones smile photo by Jeff Cate
Amy G by Perou kneeling showgirl in pink and black
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Amy G places kazoo for kazoochee act, The Duplex in NYC, photo by Maike Schulz
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Amy G cabaret comedian dancing in Flamenco dress and rollerskates with fan photo by Jeff Cate at La Soiree Union Square Theatre NYC
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Mon Chook en Plumes

Mon Chook en Plumes

Amy G Mad About The Boy purple diva

Amy G Mad About The Boy purple diva

Amy G Natural Woman

Amy G Natural Woman

Amy G: I Who Have Nothing

Amy G: I Who Have Nothing

Amy G: Hula Lula's Skulls

Amy G: Hula Lula's Skulls

Audience Interaction Idiocy

Audience Interaction Idiocy

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